– Bihoku (Our Japanese Exchange school) came to Vancouver just prior to March Break 2016 and was hosted by participating students.
– Bihoku students attended classes at Eric Hamber and Kitsilano for two days.
– There were some joint activities for Japanese and Canadian students as part of the exchange
– If you are interested in hosting a Japanese student, you can earn credit towards the cost of your exchange trip
– A 12 Day trip to Japan during March Break 2017
– Joint Trip with Eric Hamber Secondary School
– Travel to Nagasaki, Kyoto, Osaka
– Hosted by a Japanese family in Inuyama (Close to Nagoya) for 4 days
– Joint Activities with Japanses Students and Host Families
– Bihoku (the Japanese school) will come to Vancouver the following March (2018) and be hosted by participating students.
– Expected cost $3300, including all transport and most meals.
– Students buy own snacks and drinks, and should count on about $100 in spending money
– We travel with public transportation as much as possible.
– Size of the group has been between 12 and 20 students.
– Chaperones are Ms.Hashigasako from Eric Hamber Secondary and Mr.Mehl from Kits
– Focus of the trip was fine-tuned to match the interests of participants.
– Knowledge of Japanese is NOT a requirement.
– Mr. Mehl has been taking students to Japan for 10 years and has extensive experience organizing such trips, and as he lived in Japan for a few years, he is very familiar with the destinations.
– We have started taking names with Course Registration in Spring of 2016.
– There will be a Parent Information Session mid September, with an initial deposit due in early October. First deposits will secure spaces.
– If you have questions you can always contact Mr.Mehl
3 Month Exchange
DETAILS & Schedules:
-Will be posted soon (working out details right now)
For Your Reference:
Vancouver Activity Choices [Scoop.it site] Send me links if you have more ideas
We also have a Germany Exchange Program!
Check this site for the link
Come and see me in Room 149 any morning or at lunch if you have questions.
You can also e-mail me at rmehl@vsb.bc.ca